The Christian life is not easy. We are expected to walk in
such a way so as to be noticed. I am not talking about an arrogant strut; or a
cocky demeanor. I am talking about walking in a way worthy of Christ; of God.
In a manner such as Paul speaks of in First Thessalonians 2:12 “we exhorted
each one of you and encouraged you and charged you to walk in a manner worthy
of God, who calls you into his own kingdom and glory.” The way we walk is to
point others to Christ. I am not talking about this false notion of living the
Gospel. The perspective that we can live the Gospel is fallacious; and it is
impossible for us to live out what only Christ could do. What I am referring to
is living out the reality of Christ in us; our hope of glory.
That was
what Paul was indicating in the First Thessalonians reference I gave above. If
we really understand what it means to have been called by God into His kingdom,
and the even more staggering thought, that we are called into His glory, it
will forever change the way we live; how we conduct ourselves. We are called
out of something far worse than being “somewhat badish”. We are not called out
of being basically good people into the kingdom of God and His glory. We are
called out of spiritual death and utter wickedness. We are called out of a
natural state where everything we do is done through the lens of sin. Not one
thing that we do prior to being regenerated by God is good, right or decent.
Even those things we do, that by the world’s standards are good, right and
decent, are utterly wicked and unpleasing to God. Yet, despite of this, He
calls us from that state of being, into His glorious light; into His kingdom
and glory.
This is the catalyst for how we are changed; how we are
conformed into the image of Christ. Look at this passage from Romans 8:
For those whom He
foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, in order
that He might be the firstborn among many brothers. And those whom He
predestined He also called, and those whom He called He also justified, and
those whom He justified He also glorified.
When we consider what is being taught to us in Romans
8:29-30 we can understand that the reality that He called us; that He chose us,
is supposed to weigh on us with a joyous weight. We respond in gratitude to Him
for what it is He has done. We respond in joy and even in repentance and
humility for the divine work of justification; and the divine work of shaping
us into the image of Son. And we are to actively pursue godliness and Christ-likeness
because it is the good and proper and honorable thing to do in light of what it
is He has wrought in us.
So what
does this reality have to do with indelible ink? Where am I taking us? Go back
to my opening lines. “The Christian life is not easy. We are expected to walk
in such a way so as to be noticed.” We are, to coin a phrase, tattooed with
indelible ink. This idea hit me as I was chatting with Tony, another
contributor to “Earnestly Contending”, a month or so ago. It was a typo that
started my mind wandering down this path, and I haven’t been able to shake it
People, many of them genuine
believers in Christ, are enamored with tattoos today. They are constantly
looking at designs. They are often looking forward to the next piece of art
they will have engraved into their body. Some of these designs are intricate.
Some are deeply personal and have profound meaning. Some are only relevant to
the particular societal background of the individual. Some are large and
encompass the entire body, while others are tiny and hidden away. Yet one thing
remains, by all accounts, tattoos are painful and permanent, at least in the
way anything that mankind does can be permanent.
should be the reality for us. Our lives should be marked with the indelible ink
of Christ. This isn’t some simple act of having permanent marker drawn all over
us. This isn’t the act of writing a note on the back of your hand with a
ballpoint pen. We are putting on the Lord Jesus Christ and not making any
provisions for the flesh as we are instructed to do in Romans 13. Yet make no
mistake, this is not the simple act of slipping on a shirt and a pair of pants
only to remove them at a later time. The Lord Jesus Christ does not come off
once He is put on. He isn’t cast aside or discarded when we are through with
Him. He is an indelible part of who we are. The definition of the word
indelible is this; something that cannot be removed, washed away or erased. So,
unlike tattoos that can be removed
through laser surgery, or through the very painful cutting away of flesh,
Christ is driven down deep into us and with an ink that never fades or can be
cut away.
around you sometime as you are in public. Look at the people who have tattoos.
Notice that in many cases they proudly display the artwork that covers their
bodies, this trend is becoming all the more common as tattoos are becoming more
socially acceptable. They have gone to great lengths and great financial cost
to have this work done. Some of this work is truly beautiful, and if it had
been done on a canvas it could easily hang in an art gallery. Some of it is
truly dark and terrifying with the images that are depicted. I have seen
beautiful works of art with scripture quoted in great detail. I have seen evil
and demonic depictions that would terrify children. I have seen sexually
explicit pictures and I have often seen tattoos dedicated to advancing the
message of hate by those who believe in dividing the varying ethnicities of our
What I
want us to think about is the great cost of being counted among those who
called are into His kingdom and glory. Not only the great personal cost to God
the Father and God the Son, but what it costs each of us as individuals. We are
commanded to pick up our crosses daily and to crucify ourselves daily. This is
painful imagery and it implies; no it requires great sacrifice. It leaves no
room for equivocation. When we pick up our crosses and die as we crucify
ourselves we are actively putting on Christ. We are being tattooed with His
image and the needle driving that ink into our flesh is a nail; the same kind
of nails that pierced the hands and feet of our Savior. The ink is the blood of
Christ and it never washes off; it never comes out. As that needle goes in it
delivers the life changing and sin removing ink of Christ’s blood deep into who
we are; deep into our hearts. We are covered by Christ and as time goes on we
become unrecognizable for what has been done to us.
those who so proudly and in vain walk around displaying their flesh with their
investment of ink we should also proudly display what it is that we have
become; only this is not in vain.
This is us, boasting in Christ and showing off His glory.
This is us, walking around with a desire for others to see His light radiating off of us and giving Him glory.
This is us, walking around with a
desire for others to see Christ and what it is He has done in saving us from
death and damnation.
This is us, the ones who had
formerly exchanged what was imperishable for what was perishable now putting on
what is imperishable.

Yes this will come at great costs.
Yes it will be painful and
agonizing at times.
Yes it will be worth it.
But make no mistake, if there is no
change in us, if there is no transforming of our image into the image of Christ,
we can have no assurance that we are His. We can have no assurance that we have
been called into His kingdom and glory. The ink that fades away or washes off
is not indelible…
Soli Deo Gloria
Soli Deo Gloria
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