Saturday, March 31, 2018

Three Days

As I woke today my heart burned with thoughts of worshiping my Savior on yet another Good Friday.  It's nothing short of amazing that the day means anything at all to me.  You see for 24 years it was, Friday.  Just Friday.  It was the last day of the school week.  It was the day I got to "rest" my post teenage bones by running rampant starting at 3:30 in the afternoon until 2:00 a.m..  It meant I would sleep as long as I wanted the following morning and in the fall/winter months would arise a couple days later to immerse myself in an object that bounced oddly and reportedly came from a pig.  But in April it was just Sunday that was coming.  Nothing more.  Perhaps some brunch that caused me to roll out before 9:00 a.m.  But it was just, Sunday.  For the first 24 years of my life it was Easter weekend.  That meant one thing up until about 18.  Christmas 2.0

It meant chocolate and in large quantities.  Jesus?  Who's that?  Resurrection?  What is that?  I wish I had those questions but I really had no clue that Person or that event ever existed up until about 15 years old.  Yep, I grew up in one of those godless American Evangelical homes.  Later, much later, learning that we in fact were Christians because mom and grandma sang in a choir when they were around 8 and because we were moral folks.  So one Sunday per year was all about gifts from a fat man and another was about a rabbit that brought us huge, and I mean huge, baskets of chocolate.  Pagan?  I don't know.  Secular?  For sure.

But now.  Only through amazing grace and an opening of my heart and eyes to the truth of the gospel, the gospel that Jesus, the Eternal Son of God, God, very God, came down and dwelt among men.  That Jesus, God's Beloved Son, took on human flesh and tabernacled with us.  That Jesus, the Lamb of God, walked among us, lived the perfect life obedient to the law of God, the law that I failed at in immense proportions.  The gospel that this Jesus suffered shame and scorn, ridicule and mocking, abuse and hatred.  This Jesus willingly went to the cross of Calvary and was crucified by wicked men, by the decree of God the Father, that He might bear the righteous wrath against sin, my sin!  Your sin!  Your sin?  This gospel that flamed the tomb 2000 years ago with light that first Resurrection morning.  This gospel that conquered sin and death for all those who would believe upon His name, who would repent of their sin, who would follow Him.  

              I once was lost
                   but now I'm found
              I was blind
                   but now I see

Oh what a difference this day has been for nearly three decades now!  Can it be that I have gained an interest in the Savior's blood?  That He died for me?  That I woke in the dungeon of sin?  That my chains fell off?  That I rose?  That I went forth and followed Him?

It can!  And it is all of grace.  Grace that brought me forth.  Grace that leads me on.  Grace that will lead me home.  But God!  He was rich in mercy.  He made me alive.  He caused me to be born again to a living hope.  

'Tis mercy all, immense and free!

Wretched, vile and helpless was I.  A cross?  Church, on Friday?  Absolutely giddy about church on a Friday?  Totally excited about the coming Resurrection Sunday?  No, not me!  Not that kid that slunk into a Christian bookstore at 14 looking for a bible, hoping no one he knew saw him.  Not that kid who ran wild.  Not that kid who flashed the sign of the devil at Christians.  Not that reprobate young man who said, later! Later!

But God!  This gospel knocked me off my horse.  This gospel, the one I was NOT looking for.  This gospel has transformed my life.  This gospel has turned a wretch into a worshiper.  This gospel has proven trustworthy a million times over.  Can it be that I should gain?!  Jesus died for me?!  Jesus looked down at this pitiful human and stretched out His hand and pulled me out of my grave?!

What is Good Friday and Resurrection Day to you?  Is it just a day to avoid meat?  A day to get out of school?  Work?  Is Resurrection Day just Easter?  A secular "holiday"?  

Have you ever considered the magnitude of grace?  God, very God, came down from His lofty abode and dwelt among us, lived the perfect life we have failed to live, suffered and died upon the cross to bear the sins of the world, rose the third day for the justification of His people.

What do these three days mean to you?  

I hope they mean everything, absolutely everything.

He must increase,