Come and
behold Him born the King of angels.

Come and behold Him!
Sadly the
large majority of the world does not behold Him. They behold everything else but Him. Him, this King of angels, this Christ the
Lord, He gets a passing glance, a nod at the table as we say “grace.” He gets a manger scene on the mantle while a
fat guy in a red suit with a fake beard gets plastered all over the map.
What is it to
behold? To behold is to gaze upon or
look intently at. To behold is to
inspect or examine. John the Baptist told us
Behold, the
Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! ~ John 1:29
Pilate cried out to the Jews, “Behold, your King!” ~ John 19:14
So the
question begs, have you beheld Him, Christ the Lord? Or is He a mere trinket on the tree or
perhaps a plastic version on the front lawn?
Is the real beholding focused on family, on presents, on holiday cheer,
on that fat guy that lives in that cold place with those funny little employees
and those amazing flying deer?
Will we let
another Christmas, mind you it’s Christmas not Santa-mas, pass us by while we
glance at the cute little Jesus baby and make a mad dash for the stuff, the goods, the
food? Just what will we behold as the
celebration of His birth descends upon us?
For after
all, He was born the King of angels and is worthy of our adoration. This Word of the Father now in flesh appearing....
and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us and we BEHELD His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. ~ John 1:14
This King who demands we fall on our knees
and behold Him!
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