
Saturday, March 9, 2019

Reflections on Shepherd's Conference 2019

O Lord, You are my God; I will exalt You, I will give thanks to Your name; 
For You have worked wonders, Plans formed long ago, with perfect faithfulness. ~ Isaiah 25:1

Well, another conference has come and gone.  Conference week is so full.  So rich.  When I'm in mode it's like riding on a cloud.  It gets busy and hectic at times yet there are those sweet down moments when you can breathe a little and engage with the guys or a brother/sister of Grace Church.  It's one of those spaces of time when you completely forget you're in the middle of a great metropolis of dirt and filth.  We're in "a bubble."  The bubble of Christ's bride actively functioning as one.  Everyone is bending over backwards to help one another, to encourage one another, to build up one another.  It truly is a taste of heaven.  But then on Friday 3:30-4:00 rolls around and you're rapidly downshifting, preparing to stop.  Next thing you know you drive away, tired, dead tired, yet full in ways that are difficult to describe.  This year was no exception.  The routine of life begins again the next day.  If we're alert and awake, the conference buzz doesn't disappear it just shifts into a lower, steady gear.

For me the conference was too short as life challenges limited the time I could be a part of the splendor.  However, the Lord filled my cup yet again.  So for those who care to read this, that's what this is about.  Faithfulness was the theme so let me tell you a bit about faithful men and women in the body of Christ.

First, many of our faithful ladies that lead the food side of things, and food is a huge part of Shep Con, have had eyes on my daughter for years.  Since day one 8 years ago they have been training her up to not only serve well but to be a leader for the next generation of Grace Church. Last year they decided it was time so the ever popular Hot Dog station had a new kid in town.  A bit intimidating becoming a point leader of a team that comprised over a dozen people, including saints that have been serving in this capacity for decades.  They graciously accepted this new kid and did what ought to be done, they took their experience and love for the Lord and poured it into this young girl.  What grace!  This year the kid became a young woman.  Her love for the people she served and the people she served with was noticeably more mature, at least to dad.  She took that ball and ran with it.  But, not without a wealth of coaching and preparation by her mentors, before, during, and after.  These faithful men and women willingly served under the lead of a woman barely out of her teens, and they served joyfully.  Whether they're 90 years old, 80, or in their 60's they know they aren't the future of Christ's church so they poured their hearts into one who is.  These people have faithfully delivered dogs to the men for 20, 30, almost 40 years.  Why?  Simply because they desire to bless the men who handle the word of God and instruct the bride of Christ week in and week out. 

This faithfulness is duplicated all over campus by scores of servants who faithfully love the body of Christ and employ their gifts to it.  Whether it's parking lot control, kitchen, parking lot/table management, linens services, or the drinks supply team, the examples are everywhere and when you're among it you cannot help but be motivated by love to do the same.  Imitate them as they imitate Christ.

For I gave you an example that you also should do as I did to you. ~ John 13:15 

As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. ~ 1 Peter 4:10

But let me tell you once again about the brothers that bless me again and again.  When I hit my area I was greeted with hugs from a few guys I've known over the years.  Pastors of small churches and medium churches.  Brothers who naturally go into pastor mode and check on how I am doing, how my family is.  Brothers who can communicate in 5 seconds that they've been aware of our trials and have been praying.  Encouraging me to fight the fight and not grow weary as we do for them each year they arrive.  Friendships born out of the conference and cultivated throughout the years and years of contact that technology brings.  It goes way beyond a 3-4 day event but extends throughout the year in such a way that the church gets so big and the blessings fall like an avalanche.

One great blessing was discussing some heavy church matters with my brother from Iowa.  The wisdom and care was very apparent.  The time spent will certainly strengthen our friendship.  It was another reminder that I need godly men in my life that will build me up and help carry me along in the right direction.  One that is on the watch for error yet so focused on sanctifying grace that he'll be a rudder instead of an anchor.  I'm looking forward to what the future holds with this friendship.  I'm also certain should I ever desire to move to Iowa there is a solid church to be a part of.

Another was meeting a man from Louisiana that I've known through social media.  He always encourages me in the simplest of ways.  It was about 30 or 40 minutes after my Pastor Mike had just rocketed a sermon across campus.  I noticed the buzz as my Twitter feed was going nuts with respected brothers saying things like "theology on fire" and much more.  This man was still visibly moved by the power of the message.  No baby in the faith, saying he had not heard it in such a way before, not that it was new but that is was powerful.   It stirred him.  For me it gives me great pleasure that men are seeing the immense treasure and value in the man I love as my pastor.  My pastor would quickly and consistently defer to God, that he is merely an instrument of His and that God would get all that He is worthy of.  My pastor is another example of faithfulness.  I'm pretty happy to know that as my Louisiana brother cuts the grass he'll have these kind of sermons in his ears.

There are always the quick shots in passing from brothers as they/we scurry about.  It's a joy to say hello to pastors who introduce me to yet another member of their church and give me a brief update on their church.  It helps me throughout the year as I think about them and the Lord lays it on me to pray for them.  Not a 3-4 day event but a way of life throughout the year.  These brothers faithfully proclaim the truth.  They faithfully feed the sheep.  And they faithfully encourage the sheep of Grace Church when they return year after year. 

It's always a joy to see a brother who hasn't been to the conference in 4-5 years.  We reconnect face to face and cement the friendship we maintain through the technology of modern communication.  That may happen in a minute, maybe 5.  It's always too brief,  Yet we know that we have each others back throughout the year.  There are also moments in session when former GCC men, TMS alum, sit down with you for 15 minutes and discuss what's happening in their world and yours, always accompanied with the open invitation to visit and offer that if you ever move from here there's a place for you.

Prayers for one another can be offered no matter where we are.  We can communicate anytime and in many ways.  These are faithful friends, unseen but always present. 

One thing commonly heard is that while the speakers are wonderful and good for the growth of everyone in attendance it's the relationships that make this conference.  Truly the love of Christ is manifest in His bride and it's more glorious than we can imagine.  Because God always works according to His riches instead of out of them.  He lavishes us all with the blessings of fellowship.

One day we'll do this grand thing called fellowship permanently and without sin, without distractions, without the hindrances of location.  The nations will come together for good.  So whether it's a moment on earth with brothers from Croatia, Madagascar, Canada, New York, New England, Washington, Oregon, New Mexico, Texas, Europe or anywhere else, we'll join with one voice and one purpose.  We'll glorify the Lamb together in ways we've anticipated for years.  Our oneness in Christ as He gathers us from every tribe, tongue, and nation will be manifest in heavenly glory.  What a day that shall be!  Until then we run the race of faith, encouraging one another as we see the Day approaching.

He must increase,

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