
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Earnestly Linking 12.29.13

Over the weekend, we will highlight some of the great things that we see around other blogs and on the web at large. You can find those things here in this weekly blog post entitled "Earnestly Linking."

We pray that you enjoy the links! So on with our first list!

Introverts in the Church - Here's a great two-part article on the struggles of being an introverted Christian. You can find part one here and part two here. Susan Cain has also written a great book on introversion in general, and has a blog of her own.

The Good Ol' Days - I was speaking with my wife last night and we were talking about the days of comedy when shows were funny, but also clean. It brought back to my memory the Cosby Show, and one of my favorite episodes where the Huxtables did a Ray Charles lip sync for their grandparent's anniversary (The video has a bonus lip sync). These days, it seems that comedy writers want to see how raunchy they can get without the FCC coming down on them. Sad. Sad indeed.

It's All Greek To Me? - Here's a great website for any reading this post who are interested in understanding the ins and outs of New Testament Greek.

Taylor Mali - My friend Milton Cassidy on Facebook reminded me of this great spoken word poet. I quickly remembered why I like him so much. This video is very telling of the decline of articulate speech in each successive generation.

To Everything, Learn, Learn, Learn - Here are some great seminaries and websites which have provided their resources for free. You can see, listen to, or read their classes online:

Reformed Theological Seminary:
Covenant Theological Seminary:
The Master's Seminary:
Ligonier Ministries:

Be blessed and edified!

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